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For God & Country

The Sons of The American Legion was created in 1932 as an organization within The American Legion. The S.A.L. is made up of boys and men of all ages whose parents or grandparents served in the United States military and became eligible for membership in The American Legion. Together, members of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary and the Sons of The American Legion make up what is known as The Legion Family. All three organizations place high importance on preserving our American traditions and values, improving the quality of life for our nation's children, caring for veterans and their families, and perhaps most importantly, teaching the fundamentals of good citizenship.


2015 Scholarship News

If you have a child or grandchild who is either a Senior in High School, or up to a Junior in College they may be eligible for one of our Squadron 91 Scholarships.


Their sponsoring member (father,grandfather) must be a member in good standing of Squadron 91 as of Jan 1, 2016 in order for their student to be eligible.


If you havent paid your 2016 dues already, Please do so ASAP.  Jan 2, 2016 is too late.


Scholarship applications will be available at POST 91 on or about March 1, 2016. 

Did YOU win an award?

We need to work together to achieve our goals and promote the Sons of The American Legion, can we count on you?

Squadron membership has many rewards and post-war Organizations such as the American Legion, VFW, ELKS, etc typically see a decline in the number of people who join. However, we consider our Organization one that serves the public during all times - peacable and otherwise. In order to keep great Squadrons like ours going, some of our squadrons are struggling to stay afloat. So, what can we do to help them?

The National Membership Committee offers a recruitment pin award for those members recruiting five (5) new members into the Sons of The American Legion within a membership year. This pin is suitable to wear upon your cover or lapel. You must meet and complete the requirements listed below.

· Recruit five (5) new members into the S.A.L., no renewals

· All information must be clearly printed or typed. Non-readable forms will not be processed

· The new members membership record must be received at the Detachment and National Headquarters

· This form must be postmarked prior to midnight of August 31, 2015

· Only one (1) award pin per member regardless of the total new members recruited

· American Legion Family members are also eligible for this award.

· No Abbreviations. Information must be spelled out and complete


SAL Squadron 91 meets the 2nd Wednesday

of each month at 7:30 pm at the William J Hocking Post 91 located at 99 N Main St , Wharton.

All members are encouraged to attend!


Our next meeting is

Wednesday April 10,2016 at 7 30 PM


Bartenders Schedule
Please note our bartender schedule is posted inside our club bar.



2016  Membership Dues

Membership cards have been received... . Still only $10 per member per year.. 




Our Programs

The S.A.L. story can be told through the faces of its members. The images below represent only a fraction of the activities Sons engage in routinely. Whether raising money for special projects, helping others less fortunate or contributing to their home Posts, Sons all around the globe are living up to the principles of our organization!

Boys State Program

Oratorical Contest (Scholarship Program)

Service at Veterans Hospitals



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The 2015 Annual Squadron 91 CLAMBOREE is in the BOOKS!!  Thanks to his the great event it always is... A Big thanks to AL and ANN of Acoustic X for making the sweet music you always make... and of course to everyone who volunteered to set up...cook...tear down  and do everything else in between... Save the Date  ..CLAMBOREE 2016 is Sat August 13, 2016...  HOPE TO SEE EVERYONE THERE!




Squadron Breakfast



Join us the second Sunday of the month from Sept til May as we  serve you the BEST Breakfast in Morris/Sussex County.


Eggs to order, ham, bacon, sausage, pancakes, french toast, eggs benedict, fruit cup, toasted bread, coffee and juice. $9 donation for adults, $8 donation for Seniors , $7 donation for ages 6 to 12 . Ages 5 and under are FREE!   Eat in or To Go orders only,


Please note last orders taken at 11:30 AMSorry, no doggie bags!





Banquet Hall Rentals

Need to rent a hall for a banquet, party or fundraiser? Stop in any Tuesday Night between 6 pm and 8 pm or Call 973/366-2458 for info.

The Wharton American Legion Post 91 Banquet Hall is available for both catered and non-catered events. We have a full service kitchen available and cater numerous affairs during the year. Some of our favorite events include:

Wedding receptions
Office parties
Christmas parties
Sweet 16 Parties

The Banquet Hall entrance, along with a separate parking lot, is located at the rear of the Wharton American Legion. The Banquet Hall has a separate bar and rest room facilities and it can handle up to 150 people with music and dancing. For meeting or walk through affairs, it can hold 165 people.


Reasonably priced, please consider us for YOUR next special occasion.

Almond Tree Flowers

Almond Tree Flowers

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

Berry Branches

Berry Branches

Tranquil forest

Tranquil forest

Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom

Echinacea Coneflowers

Echinacea Coneflowers

Fresh Herbs Close Up

Fresh Herbs Close Up

Lily Pond

Lily Pond

Lush Plants

Lush Plants

Open Field

Open Field

Tropical Berries close Up

Tropical Berries close Up

Stalks of Wheat

Stalks of Wheat

Our Mission: It is the goal of our Organization to stand by our commitment to the community, the state of New Jersey, and ultimately this great nation, by providing and following programs which provide assistance. Our goals include, but are not limited to the following objectives:

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